Purchasing quality bed bases for sale is an essential investment for any homeowner. A premium-quality bed base can last for many years and offers a comprehensive and stable base for your quality mattress. Before browsing bed bases for sale, consider the following factors:


  1. Measure the Space: Firstly, you need to measure the room and decide what size bed can realistically fit into the space. If your space is tight, you will likely need a single bed base, a three quarter model, or a double. However, if you have loads of space available, you can opt for a queen size bed base or even a king size bed. Measure your space with a tape measure and consider the other furniture items (such as a dressing table, bedside tables, or chairs) that you want to put in the bedroom. Make sure that everything fits appropriately, allowing for enough space to easily manoeuvre around the room. Those wishing to utilise existing space might opt for our storage bed bases, which would enable homeowners to store an array of goods within the base itself.


  1. Consider Your Budget: You’ll also need to think about your budget when looking for bed bases for sale. Bigger beds cost more money and will require more money upfront. Moreover, you also need to factor in other cost factors such as headboards, mattresses, and bed accessories like duvets, pillows, mattress protectors, continental pillows, and comforters. Your budget will also determine the style of the bed base and the material used.


  1. Plan Ahead: Once you’ve decided on the type of bed base you want, it’s time to plan. If you’re opting for storage bed bases for sale, you need to think about what items you want to store in your new storage bed base. It’s said that those who “fail to plan, plan to fail”, and a storage base without a plan can all too easily become a chaotic space where things are stored haphazardly. Decide on what you’ll keep in the bed base ahead of time and consider purchasing storage drawers or dividers so that you can organise storage effectively.


  1. Curate Your Aesthetic: A bed base can be a statement piece in any bedroom, especially if accompanied by a bold headboard. Think about how our bed bases for sale can complement your room’s design. We sell a range of stylish headboards, which can be easily attached to our bed bases, and they are available in several colours and styles.


Deciding on a Conventional Bed Base or a Storage Bed Base

Choosing between a conventional bed bases and storage bed bases for sale is a hugely personal decision and will depend on various factors. However, bed frames with storage offer users several exciting benefits, including:

  • Easy Cleaning: Conventional bases can be a little challenging on the cleaning front, especially if you need to get under the bed to clear away clutter before tidying or vacuuming under the bed. No longer will dust and debris gather under the bed with a storage base since you can close the storage compartment and keep things super tidy and clean 24/7.


  • Maximises Closet Space: Most of us could do with an extra closet or two, especially if we’re living in a smaller home or apartment. Happily, storage bed bases help to augment cupboard space, offering users a brilliant way to maximise empty space and get extra space. This makes sorting clothes and storing them a much more manageable feat.


  • Adds Effortless Style: Storage bed bases for sale are sleek and stylish, adding a fantastic element of design to any room. They also ensure that rooms remain clutter-free, further enhancing the bedroom’s aesthetic.


Explore Our Bed Bases Today

If you’re ready to start the new year with a brand new bed, browse our comprehensive bed bases for sale and find the bed of your dreams.





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