Ask any homeowner what they would like a little more of in their home, and they’ll probably say space. Most of us long for an extra cupboard or room in which to place the accumulation of stuff that we acquire over a lifetime. One of the best ways to make more space – after winning the Lotto and buying a bigger home, of course – is to utilise empty space to your advantage. One of the easiest ways to do this is to find bed bases that double up as storage systems. These storage base beds allow you to maximise storage space in your home and have the added advantage of decluttering the area simultaneously. Let’s explore the benefits of these beds in a little more detail.

  1. Aids cleaning: We all know how cluttered and dusty the area under a bed can get, making cleaning pretty tricky. The underside of conventional bases is one of the best places for dust to accumulate, making them nightmarish for anyone prone to allergies. And let’s not get started on the complexity of trying to successfully manoeuvre a vacuum cleaner under a bed! One of the greatest perks of storage bed bases is that clutter and dust under the bed become a thing of the past. It also ensures that all belongings are kept safe and protected, making them ideal for special occasion attire, vulnerable fabrics prone to moths or deterioration, and other valuable or delicate items.
  2. Clears cupboard space: Another brilliant perk of these beds is that they help you to sort and declutter cupboard space. Whether you want to sort your clothes seasonally or pack away heavy coats or sportswear, these storage solutions allow you to augment your cupboard space with ease. They also provide great a place for guest linen and towels.
  3. Declutters your home: When those miscellaneous items that don’t have a home get some storage space, your home naturally declutters. This makes your home look lighter, and makes cleaning a far easier feat. This newfound space truly brings about a fantastic sense of tranquillity and calm to your home. Moreover, since things will have their rightful place, you won’t have to spend hours hunting for lost items. These beds are a real winner!
  4. Provides a secure base for your mattress: These storage solutions are also robust bed bases, offering ultimate stability for all types of mattresses. At The Bed Shop, we stock a wide array of mattress models and brands, all available for single, three-quarter, double, queen, and king-sized varieties. Our top brands include ComfoSleep, Orthopaedic, Posture Pocket, Therapeadic, and Hybrid. One of our mattress specialists can always help you find the perfect model, and you are always welcome to test them out and experience for yourself. A mattress, after all, is a hugely personal thing. When you pair a premium mattress with our storage base beds, you’re in for a comfortable night’s sleep and epic space savings.


Explore Our Storage Base Beds  

If you live in an apartment or a smaller home and want to maximise space, these bed bases are your answer. They’re stylish, affordable, durable, and super comfortable, offering users everything that they need to enjoy the perfect night’s rest. All of our storage models come in stylish black or coyote colour options and are available for every size of bed. Pair them with our comprehensive range of mattresses, and find your dreamiest sleeping solution with us. We have been in the business of beds since 1994 and thus have close to thirty years of experience to our name. Find your nearest store, and browse our catalogue to find the perfect products for your needs.  When it comes to all things bed-related, we are the place to be!

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